Workshops and courses


Taller creatividad emocional

Workshops for school children

Emotional intelligence workshop through theatre in the classroom.
Through theatrical play we promote emotional intelligence, emotional management, self-esteem, empathy, creativity and social skills.
Aimed at schools and students from 2 to 14 years old.

Bullying prevention workshop (Primary and 1st E.S.O).
With this workshop, students will learn to develop the right tools to learn what bullying is, how to detect and avoid it, and what to do in case of suffering it.
All this through theatre, creativity, emotional intelligence and theatre therapy.

Gender equality, respect and coexistence (5th and 6th Primary and 1st E.S.O. and 2nd E.S.O.)
With this workshop they will learn to develop the right tools to know what gender equality is, how to build healthy affective relationships and how to work towards coexistence among classmates.

Taller niños

Other workshops

Theatre for children and young people (from 13 years old).
Learn the technical, creative and emotional tools necessary for acting, meet new people, play at acting, enjoy your imagination and experience the thrill of being on stage.

Theatre Therapy Workshop: Emotional development in adolescents (From 13 years old):
The main objectives of this workshop are to help teenagers to improve their self-esteem and self-confidence, to prevent addictions and, above all, to help them discover the best in themselves in order to strengthen it and build the foundations to create the life they want.

Family workshop: Positive emotional bonds. Creating together.
With this workshop we aim to help develop healthy and positive emotional bonds, to bring parents and children closer together, and to help them structure their time together.

Salva i Nuria

Training for teachers

Theatre as a teaching tool in the classroom.
Theatre course in which different dramatic resources are offered so that the teacher can apply them in the classroom to work on the different subjects of the curriculum, and help the personal development of the student and the good coexistence in the classroom, as well as awakening in the student the enthusiasm and curiosity for theatre and for learning.

Comedy as a tool for resolving conflicts in the classroom.
This is a theatre course in which different dramatic and emotional intelligence resources are offered for the teacher to apply in the classroom to work on conflict resolution through comedy, as well as helping the personal development of the pupil and good coexistence in the classroom.

cartell taller

Services for companies

Theatre therapy and emotional intelligence for companies:
Activity for work teams that seeks, through the tools offered by therapeutic theatre, to improve the working relationship, develop the individual and collective skills of your team, gain confidence and encourage your expression and communication, enhance your creativity and enjoy the game as a tool for personal development.

Why we like training

Formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación.

Formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación formación.

Since 2014


Continuous training

Dedicated attention

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